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S.B. 1383 Compliance Software

The SMART1383™ platform fully integrates and optimizes all data collection, analytics, recordkeeping, and reporting functions for SB 1383 compliance. 

Go from completing route reviews to generating reports in minutes!

SMART1383 Route Audit Image

Waste Generator Account Manager

Managing waste generator records is fast, efficient, and easy with the SMART1383 Generator Manager CRM programmatically determining compliance and waiver eligibility and automatically updating all data driven records and reports.

Provide your team with access to view, edit, or update account records and contact details from the field using mobile devices or from their office computers.

Operations Field Map

View results by neighborhood or drill down to a specific address to view the latest Route Audit updates in real-time as new data is submitted from the field. 

Select any account location on the map to open the Generator Manager CRM and view or update account details.

Demo Route Review Map

SMART SB 1383 Trash Contamination Count Image


Gain actionable intelligence using the SMART1383 advanced analytics dashboard developed by our team of engineers, industry experts, and data scientists to provide everything needed for SB 1383 compliance.

Filter reports by Date Range, Route Number, Bin Status, Contaminant, Day of Week, or any other tracked variable.


Implementation Records

Implementation records are readily available when needed for reporting or enforcement.

Grant CalRecycle requested access to required Implementation Records through custom user role permissions.


Waste Evaluations

SB1383 Route Audit Waste Composition

Generate Reports for Any Data, Status, or Activity

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